On Sun, 24 Sep 2017 02:29:56 -0500, Alan Holbrook >
>Bruce > wrote in
>> http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/hea...hat-happens-wh
>> en-you-adopt-a-vegan-diet-for-a-month/news-story/aaaaf96b3cfb1fd2454f49
>> b841e52a52
>My personal experience, and I stress it's only MY personal experience, is
>that people call vegans assholes because vegans can't just eat their meals
>and be hasppy, they have to preach to non-vegans about the evils of meat
>and dairy. And their preaching quickly becomes obnoxious. I won't judge
>what you eat if you don't judge what I eat.
I think we should all hate vegans, as a group.