Thread: My Poll
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default My Poll

Julie Bove wrote:
> I am not a meat lover by any means. If I eat it, it has to
> be lean and well done. I can pretty well do without meat.

To be honest with you Julie, if I ate beef lean and
well done, I could do without it too.

I grew up with that nonsense. Thin steaks cooked to
shoe leather. Very dry and any flavor lost in the
overcooking. That's when I relied on A-1 steak sauce
(and lots of it) to come to the rescue.

Until I moved away from home, steak always tasted of
A-1 sauce. heheh Every little piece was drenched in
the sauce and then chewed forever.

Turns out, it was my father that insisted on it and we
kids ate whatever he dictated. He had some phobia about
food poisoning and always insisted that all meat be
cooked to death to play it safe.

For good beef, you need some fat marbling and only cook it
to medium or medium-rare. My favorite is a one inch thick
rib-eye, seared on both sides then cooked to medium rare.
Very pink in the middle.