Thread: My Poll
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default My Poll

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> I am not a meat lover by any means. If I eat it, it has to
>> be lean and well done. I can pretty well do without meat.

> To be honest with you Julie, if I ate beef lean and
> well done, I could do without it too.

That's the only way I can eat it. Rare meium rare does not appeal. Can't
stand the texture.

> I grew up with that nonsense. Thin steaks cooked to
> shoe leather. Very dry and any flavor lost in the
> overcooking. That's when I relied on A-1 steak sauce
> (and lots of it) to come to the rescue.

I don't care for sauces.
> Until I moved away from home, steak always tasted of
> A-1 sauce. heheh Every little piece was drenched in
> the sauce and then chewed forever.
> Turns out, it was my father that insisted on it and we
> kids ate whatever he dictated. He had some phobia about
> food poisoning and always insisted that all meat be
> cooked to death to play it safe.
> For good beef, you need some fat marbling and only cook it
> to medium or medium-rare. My favorite is a one inch thick
> rib-eye, seared on both sides then cooked to medium rare.
> Very pink in the middle.

I couldn't eat that.