Thread: Finally!!
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Finally!!

Remember my talking about getting a steel skillet? ....and my
neigbors bought me a French de Buyer steel skillet fer Xmas!

Well, it's finally "cured" or whatever the heck anyone calls it. I
jes cooked a single egg and it slid around that skillet like the
finish was non-stick. I hadda insinuate a silicon spatula between the
egg and skillet, initially, but once free, the egg slid around and I
was even able to pan flip it.

Oh, FYI, all those shortcuts --including the one provided by de
Buyer!-- are all nonsense. That includes the one where I spent $10usd
for a 10oz bottle of organic rapeseed oil (whatever the Hell that is).
Anywho, it's taken at least 9 mos, to get this pan "right". I never
washed it with soap, rarely water, and usually jes wiped it out with a
paper towel. IOW, I never cleaned it!! But hey, it works.

I spent most of the time (all but the last 2 mos) cooking hash browns.
Peanut oil and nuked/grated Russet spuds. That's where most of the
patina comes from. Anywho, it's done, so welcome --finally!-- to my
