On Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:21:20 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 01:26:35 GMT, l not -l wrote:
>> On 24-Sep-2017, notbob > wrote:
>>> Remember my talking about getting a steel skillet? ....and my
>>> neigbors bought me a French de Buyer steel skillet fer Xmas!
>>> Well, it's finally "cured" or whatever the heck anyone calls
>>> it. I
>>> jes cooked a single egg and it slid around that skillet like
>>> the
>>> finish was non-stick. I hadda insinuate a silicon spatula
>>> between the
>>> egg and skillet, initially, but once free, the egg slid around
>>> and I
>>> was even able to pan flip it.
>>> Oh, FYI, all those shortcuts --including the one provided by de
>>> Buyer!-- are all nonsense. That includes the one where I
>>> spent $10usd
>>> for a 10oz bottle of organic rapeseed oil (whatever the Hell
>>> that is).
>> Rapeseed oil is canola oil. It was renamed years ago because of
>> the negative association of the word rape. Canola is a
>> contraction, of sorts, for Canada Oil. I don't know of it would
>> have been cheaper if labeled organic Canola oil.
>I pay $2.25 for a half gallon bottle of rapeseed (canola) oil.
>Gullible, illiterate Jes-bob jes paid 30X times that price for
>something he doesn't even know what it is, just as long as it's
And it's no more organic than any common Salad Oil.