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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default the magic bullet?

On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 18:44:37 -0300, wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Sep 2017 06:57:46 +1000, Bruce >
>>On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 17:50:25 -0300,
>>>On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:30:56 -0700 (PDT), RichD
> wrote:
>>>>There's a recent report on nutrition, which fingers
>>>>olive oil as the Elixir of Immortality. Current wisdom
>>>>is that the Mediterranean diet is healthiest. Now,
>>>>researchers claim it boils down to a diet heavy in olive
>>>>oil, that's the real ticket - drink half a cup a day, live to 99.
>>>>But, can they really narrow it down to such a degree?
>>>>I'm skeptical that such a definite conclusion is possible.
>>>>Next year, they'll tell us it's the tomatos.
>>>>Questions such as this should certainly be of interest to this group -
>>>Would I want to live to 99? That's the question, it seems to me even
>>>the best of them have a drop of quality of life after 90.

>>You keep focussing on 90, but there are lots of people who don't make
>>it to 70.

>Look around you, if you know any 90+ year olds, and tell me the
>quality of life does not suddenly deteriorate badly.

You keep focussing on 90, but there are lots of people who don't make
it to 70.