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Default the magic bullet?

On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 19:22:06 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 9/25/2017 5:44 PM, wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Sep 2017 06:57:46 +1000, Bruce >
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 17:50:25 -0300,
>>>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:30:56 -0700 (PDT), RichD
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> There's a recent report on nutrition, which fingers
>>>>> olive oil as the Elixir of Immortality. Current wisdom
>>>>> is that the Mediterranean diet is healthiest. Now,
>>>>> researchers claim it boils down to a diet heavy in olive
>>>>> oil, that's the real ticket - drink half a cup a day, live to 99.
>>>>> But, can they really narrow it down to such a degree?
>>>>> I'm skeptical that such a definite conclusion is possible.
>>>>> Next year, they'll tell us it's the tomatos.
>>>>> Questions such as this should certainly be of interest to this group -
>>>> Would I want to live to 99? That's the question, it seems to me even
>>>> the best of them have a drop of quality of life after 90.
>>> You keep focussing on 90, but there are lots of people who don't make
>>> it to 70.

>> Look around you, if you know any 90+ year olds, and tell me the
>> quality of life does not suddenly deteriorate badly.

>Exceptions exist, of course, but for most, it is poor health and
>inability to get around much. I'd like to live to 120 but with decent
>health both physical and mental. I'll take whatever I can get though.

I don't want to live to 100, at nearly 75 there's no one alive I knew
other than two in nursing homes who no longer remember me... everyone
I knew growing up is long gone. There are a couple of kids and grands
but we really have no meaningful history, they've moved on in their
own lives, which is healthy and as it should be. I can remember when
I was young having grand parents and great grand parents but we hardly
got to know each other more than superficially and then they were
gone. I feel very lucky to be sharing a life with a woman close to my
age. We both enjoy living here, with all our cats, gardening, and
tenderly caring for this piece of land and each other. We've been
very happily married 26 years and feel very lucky to have found each
other. Who'd a thunk a Brooklyn boy and a Belizean woman would mesh
so well. I really don't want to outlive my wife.