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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight 9/26/17

On 9/27/2017 5:28 PM, wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 16:07:25 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 9/27/2017 1:30 PM,
>>> On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:06:08 -0400, jmcquown >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 9/26/2017 10:29 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>> On Tue 26 Sep 2017 06:44:56p, jmcquown told us...
>>>>>> Swiss Steak (Mom's recipe), mashed potatoes and steamed brussels
>>>>>> sprouts.
>>>>>> From an old post, here's her recipe which I posted in 2008:
>>>>>> Spicy Swiss Steak
>>>>>> 2 - 2-1/2 lbs. round steak
>>>>>> flour as needed
>>>>>> 2-3 Tbs. oil
>>>>>> 2 cloves garlic, minced
>>>>>> 2 bay leaves
>>>>>> 1/4-1/2 tsp. ground ginger
>>>>>> 1/2 tsp. dried marjoram
>>>>>> 1/4 tsp. pepper
>>>>>> 1/2 tsp. salt
>>>>>> 2 -3 Tbs.dry red wine or red wine vinegar (I used the wine
>>>>>> vinegar) 1 can beef consommé (mom used canned, Campbell's in
>>>>>> fact) approx 2/3 c. water
>>>>>> Cut the round steak into serving sized pieces. Dredge in flour,
>>>>>> shaking off the excess. (Let set on waxed paper until all the
>>>>>> steak is coated.)
>>>>>> Brown well in oil fairly quickly over medium-high heat. Place
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> steak in a fairly small baking dish that has a lid. (I used an
>>>>>> oval Corningware dish, about 3 inches deep.)
>>>>>> [snipped link to Corningware site]
>>>>>> In a small bowl blend together the minced garlic, ground ginger,
>>>>>> salt, pepper and wine or wine vinegar. Pour and spread this
>>>>>> mixture (as best you can, heh) over the steak in the baking dish.
>>>>>> Then whisk together the canned beef consomme and water. Pour the
>>>>>> mixture over the steak. Add the bay leaves. Cover and bake at
>>>>>> 325F for about 2 hours, adding more water as needed halfway
>>>>>> through cooking - you want a nice gravy but not so much liquid
>>>>>> that it has to be thickened. You also don't want to just let this
>>>>>> one go without looking at it to make sure there is enough liquid
>>>>>> in the gravy... at least not if you want to spoon it over (guess
>>>>>> what?) mashed potatoes "
>>>>>> That was the basis for dinner. Quite tasty!
>>>>>> Jill
>>>>> That sounds good, Jill. I always thought that the steak had to be
>>>>> pounded with flour, either with a meat hammer or the edge of a
>>>>> saucer. I believe my mother did that, as I have done. Apparently it
>>>>> isn't necessary.
>>>> I vaguely remember my mother using a meat mallet. But this is a recipe
>>>> she wrote out by hand. She didn't mention using a meat mallet or
>>>> pounding. All I can say is it comes out fork tender.
>>>> Jill
>>> Swiss steak is supposed to be made with cube steak... beef round that
>>> has passed through a cubing machine... next time ask at the meat
>>> department where you shop.

>> Nonsense. My mother never used "cubed steak" for this recipe and I
>> never have, either.
>> Jill

> You've often said your mother wasn't much of a cook, I believe you.

I've also said when she wanted to she could make really good meals. She
simply didn't enjoy cooking. This recipe is a keeper.
