My Poll
jmcquown wrote:
> On 9/28/2017 8:18 AM, Gary wrote:
> > Back to the Kennedy family:
> > To me, too much coincidence that 2 got killed, next got
> > discredited and finally, John Jr - who was headed towards a
> > successful political career, just happened to die 'accidently' in
> > a plane crash. How convenient.
> You really believe that? He was piloting the plane and was (by all
> accounts) advised not to try to make the flight at night. Poor
> judgement, IMHO. I doubt anyone wanted to kill his wife or her friend.
Called "collateral damage"
> He had an older sister (Arabella) who was stillborn. Conspiracy? He
> had a younger brother (Patrick) who was born prematurely and only lived
> for two days. Conspiracy? Oh, and he had a cousin who died in a skiing
> accident. Conspiracy? Or just a horrific run of bad luck for this family?
None of them count...they were not potential presidents.
4 Kennedy's - 3 brothers in sequence who ran for president.
One son of JFK that had that chance pending too. Accident?
Believe what you want, I believe differently.
Here ya go....maybe get Caroline Kennedy to run for first woman
president 2 years from now. She has that "camelot Kennedy charm"
too. Think she would survive the election period? I think she
knows better not to run.