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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Casa de Masa wrote:
>> On 9/27/2017 6:39 AM, Gary wrote:
>> > Janet wrote:
>> >>
>> >> In article >,
>> >> says...
>> >>>
>> >>> "Janet" > wrote in message
>> >>> .. .
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> Gary wrote in
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Trump is certainly not acting the traditional "Presidential" but
>> >>>>>> remember, he wasn't groomed to take that office from childhood
>> >>>>
>> >>>> No elected leaders are, either in US or anywhere else.
>> >>>
>> >>> That's just not true.
>> >>
>> >> Name one.
>> >
>> > JFK
>> >
>> RFK
>> Teddy.
>> RFK Jr.
> Not tin foil hat thinking. Tell me that our own govt didn't want
> any Kennedy's in office after JFK.
> Joe Jr was the original groomed to be but he died in WW2 so it
> went to JFK, he scared this country with the Cuban Missle
> Crisis. Most govt ppl thought he was a nut case, a "loose
> cannon." Seems like "someone" decided no more Kennedy's in power.
> Don't forget, we have many career people in govt and secret govt
> agencies. Presidents and their chosen ones are only around for
> 4-8 years. I'm sure our Presidents are not told everything.
> My father was career Defense Dept person and he worked his way up
> to top grade scale. He finally died about 6 months ago but he
> always kept his career secret. He probably knew more than any
> President knew. Even retired for many years, he never told us
> family anything. He had top secret clearance and he stuck by it.
> Sadly, I know very little about my Dad's govt career.
> Back to the Kennedy family:
> To me, too much coincidence that 2 got killed, next got
> discredited and finally, John Jr - who was headed towards a
> successful political career, just happened to die 'accidently' in
> a plane crash. How convenient.
> This was our own govt plot to keep the family out of power. I'll
> always believe that. 4 Kennedy's lose the chance? Coincidence
> does not happen with 4 family members in sequence. Carolyn
> Kennedy has luckily kept a low profile - probably saved her life
> too.