On Thu, 28 Sep 2017 22:56:32 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2017-09-28 7:49 PM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, cshenk1
>> @cox.net says...
>>>>> No. What is missing is jus. If there is no jus it is not au jus.
>>>> That's it.
>>> Not sure what you mean. Au Jus is what they call a fairly thin broth
>>> served with meat here.
>> no, it's called jus.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au_jus
>> If you're going to use a French term, get it right.
>I was going to make a cafe au lait today but I ran out of milk so I
>could not make the au lait. I decided to make Baba au rhum but didn't
>have any au rhum.
Au dear!