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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Speaking of Prime Rib... dinner tonight 9/27/17

On Fri, 29 Sep 2017 07:07:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Bruce wrote:
>> This kind of ignorance shouldn't be encouraged, but it does give you a
>> good idea of the kind of people that buy a product like this.

>Don't judge the people though. It's the common description here
>in the USA. Similar to the shepherd's pie/cottage pie issue that
>had been argued here before. Even Martha Stewart put out a recipe
>for "Shepherd's Pie" and it used ground beef rather than lamb.
>I once bought a "gravy packet" of Knorr's Au Jus. I knew what it
>meant. It's a thin beef gravy...just juice slightly thickened.
>Rip off though. I could have made the same using a cup of water,
>a teaspoon of beef bouillon and maybe a teaspoon of flour or
>cornstarch for way less money.
>Your ingredient list posts are on topic and fine. What annoys
>most is that you also preface it or follow up by calling people
>idiots for using that product. "Sheeple" comes to mind.

I tend to use words like that in response to other people's bitching
about my ingredient lists. Although most people are actually sheeple,
now that I think about it.

>You are
>like a vegan trying to convert everyone else to your diet.

But I'm not even a vegetarian.

>Like a
>reformed smoker bitching at everyone else that still smokes. Like
>a born again christian determined to save the rest of the world's

I just tell you (plural) what's in some of the supermarket horrors I
see mentioned here. How can that ever hurt anyone? If you still want
to eat it, at least you know what you're eating. And if you suddenly
start to grow tits on your back or a third testicle, you'll have an
idea why.

>And one more - with politics. Your opinion is just as
>valuable as any other but no need to start name calling people
>that don't agree with you.

I don't think there are any simpletons in this newsgroup. We're all
able to read and write well, which means we're all part of the 10% or
so elite of our countries

Nevertheless, without the simpleton vote Trump would never have been
elected. Doesn't mean only simpletons voted for him.

>And that's my opinion.
