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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Real names for popular foods

On 2017-09-29 9:38 AM, jinx the minx wrote:

> I don't have a huge appetite, either. I always have to take half my dinner
> home or, egads, split my dinner with someone else. I'm not even talking
> standard American large portion dinners. Generally speaking, I can eat
> only about one cup of food max in any one meal.

The bakery/coffee shop around the corner from me serves wonderful
sandwiches. They are made with their own artisan breads and well stuffed
with fillings. I don't usually eat much for lunch, if any. My wife and I
occasionally go there and split a sandwich. They will bring it on two
plates and each gets garnished. They also have soup and sandwich
specials, in which case we may each get soup and split the sandwich, or
just get one soup and share it... or not.