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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Canned Hams...???

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 9/28/2017 6:48 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote in
>>> On 9/26/2017 9:08 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> "cshenk" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>>> Cheri wrote in
>>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>>>> news >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> "Ding - Dong Daddy" > wrote in
>>>>>> message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> These were ubiquitous when I was a kid...I don't see them so
>>> much >>>> > anymore..are they still a "thing" Krakus a good bet,
>>> or...??? >>>> >
>>>>>>>> IMWTK...!!!
>>>>>>> You can still buy them but they're kind of hard to find. I rather
>>>>>>> see no need for them now.
>>>>>> They're common here, the Dubuque brand I believe it is, or the
>>>>>> smaller ones which have a funny name.
>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>> DAK comes to mind? They aren't great but they are handy to have
>>>>> on a shelf as a storm supply.
>>>> Yes, that's it. I couldn't think of it and yes I'm sure they would
>>>> be handy in a storm etc. I have a large supply of SPAM for that.
>>>> Cheri
>>> I have a couple of cans of Spam in the pantry. I think I tasted DAK
>>> canned ham about 25 years ago and did not like the texture or taste.
>>> It's not something I'd stock for a storm.
>>> Jill

>> They work for me but then again, I used to pray for school lunches as
>> they were better than Mom's cooking. I'm not saying DAK is great but
>> they work as a side item to have. I also stock SPAM, canned tuna,
>> vienna sausages and things like that for storm needs when the power is
>> out.

> I didn't buy lunch at school. Mom packed a PB sandwich and a bag of chips
> and that's all I needed. I can't remember a time when I actually looked
> foward to a school cafeteria lunch.
> When it comes to stocking for a storm I'm more interested in having
> charcoal for the grill and ice to keep things cold when/if the power goes
> out. Of course I have canned food but a DAK canned ham would not be one
> of those things.
> Jill

When I was a kid, I loved the cafeteria lunches which were a rare treat that
were only available in high school, it was always a choice between food with
my lunch money, or cigarettes. Cigarettes usually won.
