Thread: Sharing Food
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Casa de Masa Casa de Masa is offline
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Default Sharing Food

On 9/29/2017 12:09 PM, Gary wrote:
> Casa de Masa wrote:
>> On 9/29/2017 7:41 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> What on earth am I going to catch by sharing a fork with my
>>>> husband that I'm not going to catch by having sex with him?
>>>> Among friends and family, we don't worry about swapping germs.
>>>> If someone sticks their thumb in the mashed potatoes as they
>>>> pass the dish, it's no big deal.
>>> Same thing here with 12 years of letting ferrets eat what they
>>> wanted to off my plate. (except for the sex part)
>>> I would always offer my meals, let them check it out, take a few
>>> bites. They loved the offer even though they rarely ate my food.
>>> They loved their warm gravy meals better. We lived together and
>>> shared all germs.

>> Unlike humans their germs were not any danger to your immune system.

> Interestingly, unlike other pets, ferrets and humans do share and
> can catch cold and flu viruses from each other.


> As mine were
> constantly living at home, *I* was always the one bringing in
> those viruses and also fleas. Fleas would jump on me when outside
> but never bite me. Once indoors, they jump off on the carpet then
> when a ferret came by, all went to hell. I fought a flea
> invasion several times. Not fun for any of us.

I had no idea!