Thread: Breakfast beans
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Breakfast beans

"dsi1" wrote in message

On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 4:00:51 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
> Well, I have never had chips and lettuce for breakfast I have seen the
> rest but the tomatoes would be cooked.
> Different|
> --

The wife of my boss told me of her trip to the UK. In Scotland, she saw some
stuff in a tray and asked the server if it was haggis. My guess is that the
server was told not to mention or serve it to any Americans. This is
probably a good, sound, policy but she said she'd try a little. The server
probably thought that was a bad move on her part and reluctantly gave her a
small sample. He probably was struck dumb when she came back and asked for a
big heap on her dish. Ah, those Southern gals...


I must say I am not a fan of Haggis! I like an English breakfast
(preferably for dinner) but a Scottish one not so much))
