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Default Hugh Hefner - Pioneering Feminist

On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 07:56:18 -0700, "Cheri" >

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 15:06:07 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Cheri" wrote in message news >>>
>>>"Casa de Masa" > wrote in message
>>>news >>>> On 9/30/2017 2:38 PM, wrote:
>>>>> no one can convince me that Cathelic parents aren't knowingly
>>>>> sacrificing their six year old boys and girls to be gang banged in the
>>>>> name of Jesus. a lie who never lived, a fake aparition.
>>>> Wow, you really are a naked sack of hatred and evil.
>>>> WTF happened to you to provoke that unseemly outburst?
>>>My school had nuns and priests and while I don't say abuse never happened
>>>some places, it certainly didn't in ours!!!
>>>I doubt we were the only school like that!

>> The convent that had to take me when I started school because the
>> nearest school could not turn you down due to the bombings, they
>> certainly abused me.
>> It was always pointed out that because I was not an RC I was doomed to
>> go to hell. One of the nuns used to stand behind me as I tried to
>> learn to write and if I made a mistake, her hands would smash into my
>> ears and I couldn't hear for about an hour. Naturally, one made more
>> mistakes that way, out of fear.
>> Anything they didn't like was always blamed on me, I only remember one
>> who was as kindly to me as she was to the others.
>> When there was a daytime raid they sheltered in the chapel, but not
>> me, I was shoved out the door to go home because they couldn't have me
>> in the chapel!
>> Nice way to treat a five year old -

>Except it was in response to Sheldon about SEXUAL abuse.

Yes, but I am not happy to paint nuns or priests in a white light.
Sometimes you need to ask yourself, who is crazy enough to enlist for
a solitary life? Not your normal average person, so it leaves
abnormal or perverts.