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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default One turkey wing.

On 9/30/2017 1:43 PM, KenK wrote:
> jmcquown > wrote in newsqm228$a06$2@dont-
>> On 9/29/2017 1:56 PM, KenK wrote:
>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in
>>> news >>>
>>>> "KenK" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in
>>>>> news >>>>>
>>>>>> What would you do with it? This isn't for me. I will cook/use it

> for
>>>>>> someone else. No dog to cook for at the moment so things are wide
>>>>>> open in terms of ingredients.
>>>>>> I tried looking at recipes but everything I saw called for like...5
>>>>>> of them and I have only one. Any ideas?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> I use it with lentils or northern beans. I boil the legumes with
>>>>> water, garlic & onions in a crock pot. I prefer smoked wings but I
>>>>> guess regulars would work as well. A favorite meal.
>>>> Thanks!
>>> Made a smoked turkey wing drumstick with lentils in the crockpot
>>> yesterday. Very good! Emough for 4 or 5 meals
>>> Ken

>> Hopefully that was a turkey wing *and* a drumstick. Wouldn't want to
>> see a flying drumstick come out of a crockpot.
>> Jill

> What I was awkwardly trying to refer to was the largest part of the
> turkey wing, the part farthest from the tip.

The drummette? Drummie? (I'm thinking of chicken wings here but heck,
in terms of wing parts turkey wings are just bigger.) It gets confusing
what with posters from all over the world. IMHO (in my humble option)
that turkey wing 'tip' isn't good for much of anything.

> That is plenty for me. I'm
> not much of a carnivore; Nowadays in my old age I mostly use meat as
> flavoring, not a main part of a meal.

I still enjoy meat as a main part of many meals, but not when I'm making
something like lentil soup. Or bean soup, for that matter. Not every
meal requires meat but it does add a little something to some soups.
