Thread: Breakfast beans
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Breakfast beans

Janet wrote:
> says...
> > Good friend of mine grew up in manchester. He said those type
> > meals were not typical at homes but a typical diner meal in that
> > country.

> I grew up in Manchester and can tell you he was talking nonsense.
> It's even CALLED "the British breakfast", and still is a popular
> breakfast in many homes (including mine) and the majority of hotels,
> guest houses and Bed and Breakfast.

He knew about it. I asked him what the ingredients were and he
told me. And I tried it and loved it even though some of the
ingredients sounded a bit strange - especially the beans.

He did tell me that his family and friends really didn't eat
breakfast that way. I had no reason to not believe him. Perhaps
you grew up on the other side of the city in a nicer

I have no argument with you on this. I've never been to
I just passed on what I was told from another Manchester person.