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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default No more donuts in hornet season

On Mon, 2 Oct 2017 18:22:26 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>I just had a beautiful fall day ruined by a hornet sting. I was enjoying
>a coffee and donut and there were hornets buzzing around. I shooed the
>one that had landed on my finger. I guess I didn't see the one that was
>on the donut. I felt a bit of crunch, then a sting, and another sting
>and a third sting. I spit it out and stomped on it.... to late, but he
>deserved to die.
>I tried denial, but it was swelling. I headed out to look for a pharmacy
>to buy some Benedryl. It was swelling fast. I headed for the hospital
>instead. I registered, was taken ahead of about 40 other people in the
>waiting room, no waiting for a nurse, saw a doctor a couple minutes and
>they started hitting me with drugs.... epi shot, zantac and an Benedryl
>IV drip.
>Wow... that stuff worked wonders. The swelling started to go down
>within minutes. My face still feels like I have been to the dentist.
>They kept me for four hours for observation and sent me home with a
>prescription for 2 epi pens. From now on, if I get stung I have to
>stab myself with an epi pen and go to the ER.
>Thanks to our health care system there was no bill for the hospital.
>Thanks to my drug plan the charge for the two epi pens was only $35.

You did the right thing by going to the hospital. Sting reactions are
nothing to ignore. Glad you're o.k.
Janet US