Hugh Hefner - Pioneering Feminist
On 10/3/2017 8:25 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-10-03 9:55 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> Hatred and anger are clearly keywords of your mental illness. It must
>> be a very unpleasant way to live. Good luck getting better. There has
>> been no progress in your condition since you started haunting this
>> newsgroup, but who knows. Electroshock perhaps?
> Yep. It is a pathetic excuse for a person who is so desperate to spew
> its venom that it has to keep altering its user name to get past the
> filters it knows it is in. Constant nymshifting is pretty much an
> admission that one knows he is a complete loser.
Creative writing, even in a clay forest such a this, mandates fresh
characterization on a regular basis.
What a shame you are so stolid as to confuse an obvious naming
convention tell with something as prosaic and trite as filter evasion.
Suffice to say those who hide behind such fictional firewalls reveal
only their own mental cowardice as opposed to any deficits in their