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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Hugh Hefner - Pioneering Feminist

"dsi1" wrote in message

On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 8:53:23 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
> Marriage has nothing to do with it. The 50s are over. Lots of people
> see marriage as a useless piece of paper. An unnecessary government
> (let alone church) approval of your relationship.

Marriage is a useful, perhaps vital, institution if one is raising kids. It
might not be relevant in a society that no longer cares about raising kids.
Not having kids is trending these days. As a matter of fact, so is not being
able to have kids. It looks like nature is saying "screw it" to the human

OTOH, my daughter's boyfriend recently did a most anachronistic thing: he
took her to a restaurant, got down on one knee, presented her with a ring,
and asked her to marry him. I thought that was a little nutty myself.

No, it wasn't a McDonald's.


Aww lovely. Did she say yes? I assume she did)
