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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hugh Hefner - Pioneering Feminist

On 2017-10-05 5:44 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Oct 2017 17:38:18 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> Hmm.... I came across a bargain about two weeks ago. I was out for a
>> ride with a friend and he wanted to stop at Sobey's to get some more
>> bacon. He had been there in the morning and they had chipotle back bacon
>> on sale for $1 a pound and he wanted to get some more. I went in with
>> him and it was marked down even more...... 25 cents a pound. The expiry
>> date was the next day... no problem. I got three pounds and stuck them
>> in the freezer. I had some this weekend and it was delicious.

> Nothing wrong with a bargain, of course, but as a meat eater, I
> wouldn't buy it if it was industry meat, for instance. Bargain or not.

It was industrial meat. I normally get real smoked bacon and eschew the
prepackaged stuff that is pumped full of liquids and chemicals. That's
not as much a problem with back bacon because it is all brined.
Apparently the regular price of that stuff was $5.99 a pound, so 25
cents a pound was the deal of the century. I guess the idea of chipotle
flavoured back bacon did not appeal to shoppers, but it was delicious.