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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default O.T. Modern medicine

"U.S. Janet B." wrote in message

My M-I-L needed a pacemaker a couple of weeks ago. She's in her
mid-90s. Are you sure? That's big-time serious, right?
At the office visit when they told her this, they said they could do
it the next day. No special prep. You're kidding us, right? We
heard what kind was going to be installed and looked it up. It's
about half the size of a triple A battery. It was inserted through
her groin. A little after she woke up they had her walking and she
immediately felt so much better, stronger etc. They sent her home the
next day. She was informed that she would have to have regular checks
of her pacemaker. That makes sense, right? Guess what? The doctor's
office sends her a card in the mail. She holds it to her chest for 5
minutes. In a little while the doctor's office calls and tells her
that the pacemaker is working fine.
Today we found out that she has joined a exercise class and they had
her on an elliptical. Wow, just wow.
Janet US


Wow indeed!!! That is amazing! It certainly takes away and fear of having
to use such thing!!

Good for her You must be so proud
