Thread: Very OT Mary L
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Default Very OT Mary L

On Sun, 8 Oct 2017 18:02:59 -0500, MaryL

>On 10/8/2017 3:50 PM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 21:15:08 -0600, Casa lo pensa >
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/7/2017 7:19 PM,
>>>> She could have had the surgery here
>>>> but her surgeon has been treating her knees for some 15 years and he's
>>>> the best, the head of sports medicine at Lennox Hill, he treats all
>>>> the top atheletes... they come to him from all over the world.
>>> Best wishes for speedy recovery on built to last new knees.
>>> 2 at once means she is one tough cookie!
>>> Have a shower seat and walker at home for rehab transition.

>> We have a shower seat here from when her mother used it and they will
>> be sending her home from rehab with the proper walker.

>I had one of my bathrooms converted to a walk-in shower several years
>ago. I had grab bars installed so that I could hold one from any
>direction I am standing, and I also had a permanent seat installed. I
>had reached the time when I did not feel safe sitting in a bath tub--too
>easy to slip and fall when trying to get up. The walk-in shower has
>given me a real feeling of security.

Thanks for all the info but you don't know my wife, she's very
athletic and extremely driven... odds are she won't use the walker or
the shower chair. When she had a bone spur removed from the side of
her big toe some 20 years ago they sent her home with crutches, she
used them for maybe 15 minutes and put them in a closet. She got
around the house fine hopping on one foot and within three days she
could walk wihout hopping, just favored that foot. She has an
involved exercise routine that she adheres to for keeping in shape so
rehab exercises will be nothing for her. We have an entire rehab
facility here; weights, tread mill, stationary bicycle, and a few
other things, a stepper, mats, I don't know what all. During good
weather she rides her bike, 30, 40, 50 miles at a clip. She's
definitely not a couch potato... she's 5' 6", weighs 135 pounds, and
at 70 years old today she's stronger and has more endurance than most
people half her age.
Our shower has had grab bars for years, very important, everyone
should have grab bars... and install them *before* someone takes a
spill... more serious accidents occur from falls in the shower than
all other home accidents combined.