On Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 12:30:00 PM UTC+5:30, * Unknown * wrote:
> Can somebody out there tell me what is white tea? Almost everywhere you
> hear about green, black and oolong. Now I started to hear about white
> but it seems that nobody actually knows what's the difference between
> white and the other teas. Help please!
White tea basically comes from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis. The difference is it undergoes minimum processing compared to other types of teas. It is harvested before the leaves are completely open the buds remain covered in white hairs. This is how it gets the name white tea. They are also not oxidized, making it the freshest tea.
If you are looking for white tea online, visit Halmari tea. You get premium quality tea at a very reasonable rate there. Buy their white tea here -