Thread: Ben and Jerry's
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Default Ben and Jerry's

On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 22:47:40 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 20:54:43 -0300, wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:37:11 -0500, Sqwertz >
>> wrote:
>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 20:09:42 -0300,
>>>> On Wed, 11 Oct 2017 08:02:35 +1100, Bruce >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Want some glyphosate with your ice cream?
>>>>>"Twelve out of 14 samples of the ice cream bought across Europe were
>>>>>positive for glyphosate."
>>>> If I am going to eat, or serve ice cream, I make it myself, have done
>>>> for years now. Anyone too stupid to read the long list of chemicals
>>>> in ice cream?? Ice cream has one of the longest label of ingredients
>>>> going.
>>>Only if you're buying complicated favors like "Rocky Road Butter
>>>Toffee Fudge Ripple Cherry Parfait" or others with a ton of added
>>>third-party ingredients. The good ice creams only have a few
>>>ingredients. Not that cheap shit you buy at Walmart.

>> I have never shopped at Wartmart - nor have I seen icecream with
>> simply cream, natural flavour such as fruit and possibly eggs in it.

>There are far more "with the longest label of ingredients" than a
>decent ice cream, was my point (and most of those ingredients aren't
>too scary).
>Here's my favorite example. These are the stickers we have to put on
>the USDA-supplied surplus frozen pizzas we distribute at the food
>bank. They look like "combo" pizzas with a lot of random toppings.
>You might see 4 different things on there that all look like ground
>meat, but all look slightly different. I call them Floor Scraping
>That oughta give Fake Bruce a months worth of orgasms. He'll probably
>print it out and hide it under his mattress.

Holy cow! Thankfully it's something I don't care for but that is
worse than the average ice cream!