Thread: Lucky Food Day
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Casa lo pensa Casa lo pensa is offline
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Default Lucky Food Day

On 10/14/2017 8:43 PM, wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Oct 2017 10:41:53 -0600, Casa lo pensa >
> wrote:
>> On 10/14/2017 10:35 AM,
>>> Casa lo pensa wrote:
>>>> penmart01 wrote:
>>>>> I've learned long ago not to order drinks made with top shelf when I'm
>>>>> out, it's much smarter to pay those bucks for booze I drink at home.
>>>> Erm...but you said you weren't drinking at home....
>>> What I said is that I don't drink much nowadays due to the meds I
>>> take... pay attention.

>> Oh...ok...
>>> However up until a few years ago I did drink
>>> more often.

>> Sure, as you wish.
>>> You need to learn not to editorialize peoples words to
>>> suit your needs, I've noticed you do that a lot and while not quoting
>>> what you're refering to.

>> You WANT the actual quote now?
>>> You'd have exhibited much less of your
>>> alhiemers affliction

>> My WHAT?!?!?!
>> (sp.)
>>> had you mentioned that I said I no longer eat
>>> out... I've stopped eating at restaurants more than five years ago....
>>> restaurant food and service had degraded beyond what I considered
>>> acceptible.

>> I do recall your stating as much, yes.
>> And?
>> Don't you think that reflects more on your local environs than the
>> industry as a whole?
>> let's face it, the least coast is a nasty back-biters infestation of
>> fast-talking shysters who will **** each other over for a nickel, let
>> alone a subway token.
>> Your entire side of the nation has gone at least partly feral in a
>> humane sense, and frankly it has been decades in the making - a corrupt
>> culture of "me firsters" suffused with a pronounced tendency to grip all
>> the way to the grave.
>> You'd be hard-pressed to find more aggressive, less mannerly, more
>> exhibitionist shitbags on the face of the planet.
>> Just sayin'...

> I've lived on both coasts and traveled all over the middle.

That's nice.

> Restaurants were once far better, now ALL are disgusting rip offs.


> Stupidmarket delis serve better viands, and with a smile.


> As to unmannerly clods, they're rife in ALL urban locations.

But much more so back east.

> I find
> the majority of folks more mannerly in rural locations, it's a well
> proven fact that crowding causes aqgression.


> However, as to food, the
> majority of rural locals are afflicted with majorTIAD.


And restaurant choices to shudder at.

> Older
> residents from major urban areas remember good food/dining, but are
> very willing to forego those pleasures for a far more laid back life
> style. I often have to remind my neighbors that the big cities no
> longer have those foods they remember from their youth, and they need
> to learn how to cook.

I believe you.

> I find it strange that as time passes, for most
> people fast food becomes the benchmark of gourmet.

Sad, innit?

> I'm always amazed
> at how many think breakfast at Pancake Cottage, IHOP, and eateries of
> that ilk are better than mom's cooking. I'll be perfectly honest,
> I've enjoyed good coffee all my life, however I've never yet been
> served a decent cuppa at any eatery, not anywhere on the planet...
> pishvasser.

Wow, I have had a great many, you must not have much luck picking your

I'd mention Dunkin's coffee, but some folks find it way too bitter.

> And I'm amazed at how many gladly wait in line to pay the
> price of a double top shelf booze for pishvasser, in a friggin' paper
> cup!
> Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . . shmucks.

That's why they call it Starbux$!