Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Wed 18 Oct 2017 09:45:14p, Cheri told us...
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> news
>>>A ground sirloin burger (sans bun) seasoned with S&P, garlic
>>>powder, cooked in a small cast iron skillet in butter with a few
>>>splashes of Worcestershire sauce. Topped with a slice of
>>>pepper-jack cheese. I cut the burger to show it's done
>>>medium-rare. That blob of yellow stuff to the side is stone
>>>ground grits with butter and shredded cheese.
>>> Sometimes I don't know what I want to cook/eat so I just throw
>>> something together. Tonight was one of those nights.
>>> Jill

>> I do that sometimes too, tonight I had left over ribs from
>> yesterday and cole slaw. I will admit that I ate a bag of Bugles
>> while watching the Yankee game which I considered lunch. I don't
>> eat chips and things often, but today I wanted something salty.
>> Cheri

> Oh, Cheri, just think of all the salt and the number of carbs you
> consumed!

Oh yeah, I know, but it wasn't a big bag, it was one of those bags from the
Dollar Store. It was between that and Crunchy Cheese Curls and I do it so
seldomly that it won't hurt a bit.
