Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:45:00 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>We had an after-work party to celebrate 60 years in business (not
>bad for a tech company).
>I had a helping of room-temp roasted vegetables (carrot, red bell pepper,
>zucchini), a chicken skewer coated in (IIRC) pecans, and a "firecracker
>shrimp" on a very small brown rice cake. I can't see why it was called
>"firecracker"; it didn't taste of much besides shrimp. Then I followed
>it with a salted-caramel chocolate cupcake. That bolus of sugar
>and fat finished me.
>Oh, and three large glasses of water as I circulated around, talking
>to co-workers and their spouses.

Party animal alert!