On Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 6:13:08 PM UTC-10, Casa lo pensa wrote:
> Which is like/similar to their epoxy pickup'd S-1?
> http://www.vintageguitarandbass.com/.../s1collage.jpg
> Regardless, very cool project.
> I almost never see V2's, and I mean NEVER.
> And yeah the sound is unusually bluesy for what visually screams metal rock.
> Neat video.
The S-1 single coil pickup is a neat pickup. The boomerang pickup is more like a Les Paul low-impedance pickup in that the black epoxy hides the inner coil configuration. The epoxy probably keeps the pickup very resistant to developing microphonics but more importantly, it keeps what's inside a mystery and adds to its mystique. OTOH, it wouldn't be difficult to find out how the coils are arranged and what kind of magnets are in there. All you need is some iron filings. I'll just add that to my list of projects.