Thread: Hot water
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hot water

Yep. That's what I am in. It seems that my wife was upset that neither
my son or I would attend a dinner at her church. I do not do church
events, and he has a good excuse because he is working that day. She
invited her niece... the Big Niece. I was not consulted. She knew I
would say no. Maybe she thought it would be a fait accomplis if she went
ahead and invited her.

Nope. No way. Not happening. I am in the dog house. Plans have
changed a bit. BN is now taking the bus down, being picked up and taken
to the dinner, then back to the bus for the trip home. She is not
coming to my house.... not this weekend, or any time in the future.

I am in deep shit over it, but I should be able to sleep well, not
having to worry about someone sneaking through the pantry and helping
herself to everything her little heart desires. There is a line in the
sand. It is bad enough that she has to be included in family events, but
she is not to be invited to come on her own. I hope you are all happy. I
have probably been cut off for a while, but... it's worth it.