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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default My Dinner 10/21/2017

On 2017-10-22 7:47 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> It may have its merits but I enjoy grilled, baked, broiled and pan-fried
> fish.Â* I enjoy cooking it.
> I use the microwave for cooking vegetables, both fresh and frozen, sure.
> Â*BUT...
> An acorn squash with some knife cuts around the middle then cooked in
> the microwave will certainly come out cooked and tender.Â* But not nearly
> as good as if it had been split, seeded and baked with some butter in
> the cavity in a hot oven.Â* Occasionally basted with the melted butter.
> You can cook a russet potato in the microwave and call it baked.Â* But
> it's not, really.Â* It's not nearly as good as a russet that has been
> pricked with a fork, skin rubbed with butter, sprinkled with salt and
> baked in a hot oven.Â* IMHO, of course.

I used to use ours to "bake" potatoes. They were never great. I use it
to reheat things, to melt butter, to heat up milk when recipes call for
it scalded, to defrost things. I am not in the habit of using it to
cook. Maybe I just don't know how to use it properly, and I am not
really interested in learning. I enjoy frying, baking and grilling.