Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

dsi1 wrote:
>Gary wrote:
>> It's all true Jill. You must be just posting paybacks for me
>> calling your stories fake. lol! I don't blame you but no...all
>> story above is total reality.

>Most of the posters here don't believe anything anybody says.
>Why is that? This is like a group of professional non-believers.

When people post barroom stories people are not likely to believe...
epecially since with those fairy tale type stories there is no way to
prove/disprove what occured. However like yesterday I spent four
hours mowing, and I spent six hours mowing today, and plan to mow
again tomorrow (weather?) and finish up as it's the last mow of the
year. I can easily prove that I mowed for the non believers but ask
me if I give a rat's b-hind. This time I had to mow alone as I lost
my partner while her knees mend.
Anyways, we don't socialize alone with people of the opposite sex...
we've both been around the block several times and we know very well
where that kind of behaviour leads... we both know with absolute
certainty that there is no such thing as platonic relationships
between people of the opposite sex, no way, no how, not possible, not
on this planet.
Anytime someone tries to convince us that they are only going out to
dinner and to see a show without their spouse LOUD sirens go off.