Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

On Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 2:09:19 PM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> When people post barroom stories people are not likely to believe...
> epecially since with those fairy tale type stories there is no way to
> prove/disprove what occured. However like yesterday I spent four
> hours mowing, and I spent six hours mowing today, and plan to mow
> again tomorrow (weather?) and finish up as it's the last mow of the
> year. I can easily prove that I mowed for the non believers but ask
> me if I give a rat's b-hind. This time I had to mow alone as I lost
> my partner while her knees mend.
> Anyways, we don't socialize alone with people of the opposite sex...
> we've both been around the block several times and we know very well
> where that kind of behaviour leads... we both know with absolute
> certainty that there is no such thing as platonic relationships
> between people of the opposite sex, no way, no how, not possible, not
> on this planet.
> Anytime someone tries to convince us that they are only going out to
> dinner and to see a show without their spouse LOUD sirens go off.

No doubt you have a PhD in non-believing. This qualifies you to be the King of RFC. That would be fun.