Thread: Hot water
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Taxed and Spent Taxed and Spent is offline
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Default Hot water

On 10/22/2017 4:44 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> Yep. That's what I am in. It seems that my wife was upset that neither
> my son or I would attend a dinner at her church. I do not do church
> events, and he has a good excuse because he is working that day. She
> invited her niece... the Big Niece. I was not consulted. She knew I
> would say no. Maybe she thought it would be a fait accomplis if she went
> ahead and invited her.
> Nope. No way. Not happening. I am in the dog house. Plans have
> changed a bit. BN is now taking the bus down, being picked up and taken
> to the dinner, then back to the bus for the trip home. She is not
> coming to my house.... not this weekend, or any time in the future.
> I am in deep shit over it, but I should be able to sleep well, not
> having to worry about someone sneaking through the pantry and helping
> herself to everything her little heart desires. There is a line in the
> sand. It is bad enough that she has to be included in family events, but
> she is not to be invited to come on her own. I hope you are all happy. I
> have probably been cut off for a while, but... it's worth it.

I have to wonder what is really meant by " BN is now taking the bus down".