Hot water
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Hot water
On 2017-10-23 11:33 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 2017-10-22 8:05 PM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
>>>> Yep. That's what I am in. It seems that my wife was upset that neither
>>>> my son or I would attend a dinner at her church. I do not do church
>>>> events, and he has a good excuse because he is working that day. She
>>>> invited her niece... the Big Niece. I was not consulted.
>>> Why would she need to consult you about inviting BN to the church
>>> dinner, as you wouldn't be there anyway?
>> The reason is that she doesn't live around here and would presumably be
>> driven down by her husband, who I would be expected to entertain.
> "Presumably" her husband could have gone to the dinner with them. As
> they only live a bus journey away, he could then easily drive her home.
Nothing presumable about that. My wife had bought two tickets. When I
did not want to go she asked our son, but he was working. The intercity
bus trip is a minimum hour and a half each way, plus the public transit
time from her house to the bus station. Then it is a 2o minute drive
from the bus station the city where the church is. It really would be
much easier for him to drive her. I doubt he would want to go to the
church dinner. I am positive that if they drover down they would expect
to stay overnight. No thanks.
> You're just trying to put your downtrodden wife in the wrong because
> she stood up to your surly control-freakery.
It is not control freakery to not want someone in my house who I know is
likely to steal.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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