Thread: Hot water
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Default Hot water

On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 09:37:33 -0600, Casa lo pensa >

>On 10/23/2017 9:32 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2017-10-23 11:10 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
>>>> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 21:07:45 -0400, Dave Smith
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On 2017-10-22 9:03 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/22/2017 8:43 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>>> Not a problem* if she lived nearby and could manage transportation on
>>>>>>> her own. The scenario would be for her husband to drive her down and
>>>>>>> they would expect to spend the night here.
>>>>>> Except you said she's taking the bus, to and fro.* So, no problem.
>>>>> That was the arrangement after I found out about it and refused to have
>>>>> her here.
>>>> Now all becomes clear, you laid down the law in YOUR house...
>>> ** His poor wife; is it not her home too?

>> Yes, it is her house too. However, there are limits.* The niece is not a
>> pleasant person to be around and I cannot bear the way snoops through
>> cupboards and steals food. For crying out loud, no matter how much food
>> is out and being served, she will go in and root around, opening up
>> boxes and stuffing her face. If she sees items in the house that she
>> likes she will ask if she can have them. Then there are the things she
>> has simply taken without asking.* I don't want to have to pay for the
>> enormous amount of food she eats when she is here and I told want her
>> going through my pantry and opening things up and eating them. I don't
>> want her in my house. It is bad enough that she has to be included in
>> family events, but inviting her individually was totally unacceptable to
>> me.

>Simple but somewhat involved answer.
>Empty your cupboards and pantry save for a few boxes.
>Fill those with green rat poison cubes, or (if you're feeling
>charitable) soft chewy Ex Lax tabs.

Imagine what BN would do to the sceptic tank with a BM! LOL