Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 11:41:48 -0600, Casa lo pensa >

>On 10/23/2017 11:40 AM, wrote:
>>> You seem to think everyone who has any sort of interaction with
>>> someone of the opposite sex is bound to wind up in bed with them.
>>> That's simply not true.
>>> Jill

>> You can't talk... you're sleeping with someone's husband... and each
>> time he visits you he probably tells his wife he's attending an art
>> show... there's no way you can convince me that he spends the week
>> with you only for your cooking.

>Uh why do you care ?

I don't care a whit, merely addressed her post to me

>Is this because she stopped taking your phone calls?

How do you know whether the phone calls stopped?

>Does your wife know you were calling her all the time?
>I mean in terms of being "convincing"...well...uh...

Most times my wife was within earshot of my speaker phone... there was
never a time the conversation was untorrid, mostly about Jill
searching for a job and her doing repairs on her house.