Thread: Hot water
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Default Hot water

On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 14:14:45 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Dave Smith wrote:
>> Nothing presumable about that. My wife had bought two tickets. When I
>> did not want to go she asked our son, but he was working. The intercity
>> bus trip is a minimum hour and a half each way, plus the public transit
>> time from her house to the bus station. Then it is a 2o minute drive
>> from the bus station the city where the church is. It really would be
>> much easier for him to drive her. I doubt he would want to go to the
>> church dinner. I am positive that if they drover down they would expect
>> to stay overnight. No thanks.

>Everyone traveling all these miles and hours just to go
>to a church dinner? Must be some damn good church dinner.
>That's the part I can't understand.
>Why would someone take a bus trip for 1.5 hours, then a 20 minute
>drive from the bus station to the church. Eat dinner, then
>do all that in reverse to go home. WTH?
>Is the "Pope" going to be there or something? :-O
>Please explain why this church dinner is worth all this travel
>and trouble.

First and last time I attended a meal at a church the locals refered
to it as a "Feed". Was held in the side yard in the hot sun on sheets
of plywood supported by sawhorses. They had a tub of soft drinks
smothered with ice, There was awful potato salad and cole slaw loaded
with schtinkin' onions. The main event was bologna sandwiches on
white bread with yallow mustard.