Thread: Hot water
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Hot water

On Monday, October 23, 2017 at 8:33:43 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> There's a very simple solution. What we would do when people
> suggested getting together as a group and there may be some that we
> really didn't feel comfortable with at our home we suggested meeting
> at a restaurant. People can enjoy themselves to their heart's content
> and then pay their own tab. We used to do that all the time, with
> family and friends, no one feels put out. And whoever chose for
> whatever reason not to attend could decline.
> We never enjoyed a crowd at our house, the most we felt comfortable
> entertaining at home was no more than two other couples and only those
> we knew well. These days we don't even know any couples, of every
> couple we knew their spouse has passed. At this age hardly anyone is
> left who I knew growing up. Of the handful remaining they live ten
> states away and/or in assisted care homes. At my age it's very
> difficult for men to make new friends... making new friends (actually
> aquaintances) later in life is easier for women. Since my wife golfs,
> skis, takes watercolor painting lessons, knits, and is a substitute
> teacher she has more opportunity to meet new people but she readily
> admits that none does she know nearly well enough to consider
> friends... none have invited her/us to their home... we figure they've
> something to hide. And none of those people she meets have stayed
> around for more than a season and then move on. People are extremely
> transient these days. Most won't give a home address, at best just an
> email address and cell phone number. My wife was born in Belize
> (actually British Hondurous then), and as a young adult lived in
> London, England. Old friends from then are long gone. Neither of us
> had much family, those are gone as well. However we make a good team,
> we have much in common and enjoy a lot of the same things, we both
> love country living.

You should direct your comments to the other dave.