Hot water
On 2017-10-24 9:02 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> As to the OP, I don't think he is being too control-freaky, but I
> think the solution to empty the pantry is a good idea. Rat poison is
> a very bad idea, but leaving a clearly-labeled box of ant poison on
> the shelf might give the BN the idea that you have a bug problem and
> have to keep the food elsewhere, which you could explain if she
> asks. Put the contents of your pantry in your garage, leaving the
> spices, flavorings, etc., that she wouldn't eat anyway. I have no
> idea what to do about her taking other things if she wants them. She
> obviously needs professional help.
Who wants people coming to the house when they act in a way that makes
steps like emptying cupboards and faking vermin infestation look like
good ideas?
> I think since she is your wife's relative, that your wife should talk
> to family members about finding a way to convince BN to get that
> help.
Okay... I will leave it to my wife to tell her niece that she has a
problem that needs to be dealt with professionally.... or she can tell
her sister that her daughter needs to get that help.