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notbob notbob is offline
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Default I have some Chambord

On 2017-10-24, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> Saute carrots in butter, add some chambord and a little brown sugar.

I haven't bought Chambord in decades. But, it does sound like a good
use for it.

I HAVE purchased a bottle of Galliano, the liquor one usta add to
Screwdrivers to make 'em Harvey Wallbangers. BUT!! ....the recipe
for Galliano liqueur has been changed back to the original, which I
take as 'adding back more anise spice', cuz now it's almost impossible
to make a Wallbanger the way it usta taste, no doubt one of the
reasons Wallbangers (the drink) have fallen out of popularity.

Usta be, a bit o' Galliano made a tasty Wallbanger. Now, there is too
much anise spice flavor in it and that particular liqueur is now
overwhelming! I found one small bottle out of 8 liquor stores. Most
places didn't even know what I was talking about. Oh, they'd heard of
the restaurant chain, but not the drink. Be forewarned!
