Thread: Hot water
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hot water

On 2017-10-24 10:44 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,

>> The wife doesn't sound much better.

> She's well thought of, still visits her old friends and neighbours
> here so we meet occasionally and she seems a nice woman. I've never
> heard anyone say a bad word about her. The opposite, for him.

But.... you could not see the kitchen because she had locked herself in
and was smashing dishes. I guess you must have caught her on her bad day.

I am reminded of two sisters who attend my wife's church. One is a good
friend of my wife. The other is a nasty piece of work. It seems that her
father took up with another woman, left his wife and daughters and moved
back to England and they never heard from him again.

There was a nice woman in the choir who told me that the husband was a
very nice man but that the wife was a miserable, bad tempered woman. She
said one daughter turned out to be like the father while the other was
more like the mother.