ping ferret fancier
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ping ferret fancier
> Gary, be sure to get two
Cute video. Took forever on dialup but I couldn't resist a ferret
video. heheh
12 years with ferrets, I always had 2 for 9.5 years. Only the
last 2.5 years was with one only. I needed to stop the never
ending. As one died, I'd find another. I finally decided to keep
Mia alone with me and just give her more attention. Ended up
giving her ALL of my attention. That's how we both bonded so
close. And because of that, that's why her death devastated me.
Oh well.
My whole plan was to stop with Mia and then wait until I am
retired and settled into a hopefully permanent home for the rest
of my worthless life until I get another ferret or two. That way
I won't have to leave them in a cage for up to 10 hours a day
while I go to work. (ferrets can not be left out all day on their
own...danger to them). As I've mentioned, they really are high
maintenence pets much more than cats and dogs. This is why so
many of them are sent to shelters within a year or so.
I will have more but not until I can give my all.
PS - They actually are a real pain in the ass to have around in
the beginning. So many issues to deal with (like litter training
takes a LONG time), and you have to seriously police your house
to ferretize it. So many places to block off and tiny things to
keep off floor.
Even during the learning time though, they are so darn cute and
friendly (MUCH more than cats or dogs) and they also absolutely
love human contact. If you ever get one it will become your best
friend....and then they die - way too young. ;-o
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