Thread: '00' flour
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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default '00' flour

On 25 Oct 2017 14:51:50 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>I picked up one of those Imperia pasta making machines, cheap, at a
>garage sale. Making the dough doesn't seem too hard. Couple cups o'
>'00' flour and a couple eggs. But wait! ....WTF is '00' flour and
>where do I find it!?
>Yes, I've looked it up online, but all I find is a buncha ads fer
>outrageously priced flour:
>So, can I use anything else? I can get all kindsa flours, but none of
>my local HFS's had any '00' flour. 8|

As far as I know, King Arthur is the only place to get 00 flour --
it's the flour used to make baguettes, etc. in Italy. It's a soft
flour, but not the same as using pastry flour. It isn't the same as
semolina flour. Find a recipe that uses semolina flour (readily
available in my city in the bulk area, maybe in yours as well?
Semolina flour will make all the pasta types you are used to. Don't
listen to anything that Cshenk says because she is still having a hard
time grasping that there is a difference between All Purpose flour and
Bread Flour.
You're right, the price for 00 is expensive.
Janet US