Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 10:36:07 -0400, jmcquown wrote:

> Everyone knows, Sheldon. There was a big blowup here about it several
> years ago. You didn't believe it when I said I don't like talking on
> the phone.
> You used to call former poster George Leppla and his wife Becca
> constantly, too. When they stopped answering their home phone you found
> another number and tied up their business line. Have you forgotten
> about that?

It was revealed in "that other RFC group" a couple weeks ago that
Sheldon looked up more than a few of the female posters' phone numbers
and would call them regularly, much to their irritation. Their
stories match what has already been said here exactly - that it all
ended with Sheldon exploding in a ball of fire.

Sheldon and his type is the reason why people don't use their real
names on Usenet and don't have their numbers listed anymore. You and
Becca weren't the only ones. Sheldon probably had 20 programmable
speed-dial buttons on his phone and just went down the column one
after another all day long. Poor guy. If only cats could talk.

> I know there were others because you called me at midnight once to
> complain 'notbob' wasn't answering his phone.

Oh, and I forgot about ustajesbob - he was just another one of the
girls. I think Gregory Morrow is feeling a little jilted right about
now. You should give him a call, Sheldon - you can talk to him about
your homosexual brother. And Greg can tell you about how he'll be out
of a job soon because of the Trump budget cuts.
