Thread: '00' flour
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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default '00' flour

notbob wrote in

> I picked up one of those Imperia pasta making machines, cheap, at a
> garage sale. Making the dough doesn't seem too hard. Couple cups o'
> '00' flour and a couple eggs. But wait! ....WTF is '00' flour and
> where do I find it!?
> Yes, I've looked it up online, but all I find is a buncha ads fer
> outrageously priced flour:
> <
> flour-3-lb>
> So, can I use anything else? I can get all kindsa flours, but none of
> my local HFS's had any '00' flour. 8|
> nb

Google - what is 00 flour. Results show it is related to how finely
ground it is.

Best answer is he

Pasta making can be fun! What's neat about it to me is I can try
adding some spicing into the actual dough for a fun little bit. I used
AP flour for it (google will show you that's a pretty easy match).

You don't need the added price of a bread flour there with it's higher
gluten load though it also works (and some say better). Semolina type
is optimal apparently but I've never used it. Then again, I don't make
fresh pasta that often. and when I do, I'm not looking to make dried
