Thread: Dinner 10/18/17
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner 10/18/17

On 10/25/2017 12:55 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 20:38:41 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> He's mentioned his wife likes to ski. She used to go out of town quite
>> a bit, either on a ski trip or to visit her kids in NYC. That's when
>> he'd call me. Who's the married one?!

> I think mostly she just wanted to get away from his ugly ass.

She doesn't need a reason to visit her kids and grandkids.

>> Most people
>> on RFC had no idea he was married until I mentioned it here.

> He vehemently denied it and even talked shit about all his "past"
> wives (referring to his current wife). Even when it was pointed out
> that his wife was listed on his property deed, he tried to play it off
> that it was his daughter (a 70-year old daughter?). Yes, he's finally
> admitted he has a wife. And he always denied that she was a teacher,
> too, yet he forgot he was denying that and unwittingly admitted it
> yesterday.

It doesn't make any sense. Now we all know his wife knits. He's posted
pics of things she's knitted and has gotten into discussions about yarn.

>> I'm about to call him because we do something
>> wierd most people wouldn't understand. We watch television over the
>> phone together. LOL

> Oh no. You watch Jerry Springer together (or is it Maury?). Isn't
> that sweet <barf>.
> -sw

LOL! Nope. We don't have the same TV provider but PBS is consistent
enough for us to be able watch and talk about some shows at the same
time. Monday night it was 'Antiques Roadshow'. We like to try to guess
the value of the items. Last night it was 'Finding Your Roots'.
Sometimes we watch 'Nova' and other nature programs. Sometimes we watch
movies on Turner Classics. John is the only person I want to spend any
length of time with on the phone.
