On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 16:45:31 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 17:19:36 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>>Love you to Janet US. You seem to have a hard time grasping that the
>>higher gluten flours we call 'bread flour' are a relatively modern
>>convention and our distant ancestors used other versions like Spelt,
>>Einkorn and so on.
>>Bit of info if you forgot that AP can also be used for bread.
>What does (ancient grains) have to do with the discussion at hand?
>Let's see. You are the one that said All Purpose and Bread Flour are
>the same, makes no difference when making bread. We weren't talking
>about ancient grains at that time. I simply asked whether you (in the
>bread group) were using All Purpose or Bread Flour in the bread recipe
>you posted -- no hidden agenda -- and you told me and then argued with
>me that there was no difference except one was more expensive. I did
>explain that bread flour would alter the amount of liquid used. I
>posted links that explained the difference and then I gave you chapter
>and page in reference books. You still refused to accept that there
>is a significant difference so that when you post a recipe that
>someone else may want to make it is a courtesy for you to tell which
>flour you are using.
>Did you read your link?
Get ready for cshenk's tribal dances and smoke screens. She can't be
wrong. Just can't. It's awesome.